Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mothers Day

My beautiful babies....

You are the ones who made me a mom. Something I always wanted to be in life. I dreamed of caring for you, making you laugh , loving you and watching you grow up. I wanted you.

I know our days are filled with busy-ness of life, crying, whining , fighting with your siblings, not getting enough 1:1 time with each of your parents , me forgetting homework, rushed mornings before school, scrambling for shoes around the house when it's time to go , fixing broken toys, bandaids on bleeding scrapes the list goes on. Most days I sit there after you have all gone to sleep and think "What just happened." Mom life isn't perfect and mommin' ain't easy!

But guess what original dream is still there. I love you, I care for you , I make you laugh and I love watching you grow. I need you. Every single day you make me, ME and without you I wouldn't be who I am today.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!!!

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